
Required dependencies#

  • Python (3.8 or later)

  • Openseespy (3.3 or later)

  • numpy

  • xarray


The easiest way to install is to use python package index pip.

pip install ospgrillage

For users wishing to develop/contribute, install as follows:

git clone
cd ospgrillage
pip install -e

For users wishing to use jupyter notebook, install as follows:

1. Install virtualenv package using pip: pip install --user virtualenv
1.1 Create virtual env: python -m venv ospg
2. Activate virtual env: ospg\Scripts\activate
3. Install Jupyter lab: python -m pip install jupyterlab
4. Install kernels for linking with jupyter: pip install ipykernel
5. followed by: ipython kernel install --name "opsg" --user
6. Install ospgrillage: pip install ospgrillage
7. And run in the new env: jupyter-lab

The following instructions are for jupyter notebook but with virtual environment created via conda:

1. Create a new environment: conda create --name ospg python=3.9
2. Now activate the new env: conda activate ospg
3. Install jupyter-lab: conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
4. Install the kernels for linking with jupyter: pip install ipykernel followed by: ipython kernel install --name "opsg" --user
5. Install ospgrillage: pip install ospgrillage
6. And run in the new env: jupyter-lab

Installing dependencies#

Dependencies are automatically installed when using pip. The dependencies can be seen in the setup.cfg file in the project repository.


The module comes with a pytest protocol for each sub module py file, which users can run pytest in the root directory of the module to tests all modules.

python -m pytest