
class ModelUpdating(function_handle, **kwargs)[source]#

Main updating/calibrating class.

  • function_handle – Function handler to create and analyze models in Python environment. Note the function handler must be able to pass in updating parameters and return desirable responses.

  • sensitivity_type (str) – Method to obtain the sensitivity matrix. Default “FDM”

  • param_list (list) – A list of float or int of starting values of updating parameters.

  • target_list (list) – A list of float or int of target/objectives of the updating function handler.

  • target_resp_list – Multi dimension list of k considered models/cases. If a single dimension list is provided the class parses the list into a mutli dimension 1x(k=1) list.

  • max_increm_steps – Maximum updating increments. Default 50

  • param_increm_rate – Increment rate of parameters between each step. Default 10%

  • max_error – Maximum allowable parameter error.